our services

Smiling nurse assists senior patient in a cozy hospital room, promoting healthcare and wellbeing.

Rehabilitative Support

Abundant Quality Care will recognize services catered to those in need of rehabilitative supports. Services will be offered in many different forms. These forms will be tailored to meet our individual served level of competency. All activities engaged in will be person centered and age appropriate, which includes but not limited to education enriched table games (spelling/scrabble, matching/feeling and emotions flash cards, counting/monopoly), Art and crafts (puzzles, painting canvas working on making jewelry, etc.) are just a few activities to be engaged in within the home. 

What is the biggest benefit your customer will get from this? Keep your target audience in mind.

Cheerful group of friends holding colorful speech bubbles in a lush greenhouse setting.

Recreational Choice

Abundant Quality Care recognized services are largely driven by choice. Individuals will have the opportunity to communicate their wants verbally, by use of picture boards, electronic devices, and all other nonverbal cue in efforts to maximize choice in their daily lives. We will support individuals in the are by asking them if they wish to attend a bowling league, joining the Special Olympics, going to the movies, visiting the community center or YMCA, attending concerts, dances, an in-home activity, or any other activity they communicate an interest in.  Such activities will be discussed in each IDT meeting and each month as the meaningful day schedule is created. Individuals served will also be given the opportunity by supports staff to engaged in different activities within a given day if they chose to do so. 

What is the biggest benefit your customer will get from this? Keep your target audience in mind.

Hands from a diverse team stack on a table symbolizing unity and teamwork in a modern office setting.


Abundant Quality Care uplift normalcy in all aspect of life and part of that is accepting and encouraging change. Using the necessary mode of communication everyone will be educated on their right to choose. Support will be given to individuals served as it relates to expressing concerns about their supports. They will be asked how things are going with staff, their support plans, family and friends and their daily schedule. In the event individuals are not satisfied with an area of supports and it does not violate discrimination as it relates to a protected class changes will be offered to the individual served. Using the necessary form of communication individuals will be educated on their choices and how those choice will affect their daily lives. During both cons and pros will be discussed to ensure understanding is achieved. Changes will occur on an ongoing and as often as necessary if it’s with reason. 

What is the biggest benefit your customer will get from this? Keep your target audience in mind.

Artistic photo of a nurse and senior in silhouette with dramatic red lighting.

Caring Staff

Abundant Quality Care will ensure all individuals and staff are educated on person centered supports. All individuals served will understand they have the right to move freely and comfortably within their homes and have regular access to community activities. This will be achieved using a variety of communication styles. We will verbally communicate this to those who can comprehend such communication and use electronic devices, picture schedules and all other necessary forms of communication to ensure understanding for all being supported.  Staff will competently display actions conducive to assisting individuals with being free and independent both inside and outside of the home. 
you think they might have.

What is the biggest benefit your customer will get from this? Keep your target audience in mind.

Smiling businessman at desk with colleagues in background. Collaborative office setting.

Direct Support

Abundant Quality Care will ensure all Direct Support Professionals hired to provide support have a reliable mode of transportation so individuals served can have regular access to the community. As mentioned above each month the individuals will be included in planning their daily routine schedules/activities. It will be communicated to individuals how each activity will be achieved and who is responsible for taking them 

What is the biggest benefit your customer will get from this? Keep your target audience in mind.

Silhouette of a hand about to open a door with keys in lock, symbolizing security.


Abundant Quality Care will ensure support staff are trained to competency on the individuals rights to privacy. A large part of our foundation is respecting the choice of individuals served. As result of this we will ensure privacy is provided when engaging in person and medical care. Individual will have the right to utilize private areas are phone calls, visits, and any other private affairs they choose to engage in. 

What is the biggest benefit your customer will get from this? Keep your target audience in mind.

Why Abundant Quality Care

Abundant Quality Care is committed to fostering a safe and supportive environment through qualified, policy-driven, and motivated personnel. The organization ensures individuals across all spectrums receive proper habilitation, with safety protocols, meaningful programs, and healthcare support tailored to their needs and regulatory standards.

Balance in decision-making is emphasized, ensuring individuals’ choices are respected while providing guidance when needed. Community integration is key, with opportunities for shopping, employment, spiritual engagement, and social activities to foster meaningful lives. Abundant QC helps individuals navigate social settings, ensuring they feel comfortable and appropriately integrated into society.

8 Years Experience

5 Star Rating

Dedicated Support